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    Overall Performance
    How did we do?

    When asked “What did we do really well?”
    Our clients had this to say;

    “Going the extra mile in trying circumstances.”
    “Overall assessment and presentation excellent.”
    “Very professional.”

    Overall Performance
    How did we do?

    “Overall, I am very satisfied with the way Greenmined Environmental performed / is performing) on my application.”

    100% of our clients agreed that they were “very satisfied” with Greenmined Environmental’s performance.

    Overall Performance
    How did we do?

    “Greenmined Environmental consultants adhere to professional standards of conduct.”

    86% of our clients “strongly agreed with this statement.

    Overall Performance
    How did we do?

    Our clients had this to say when asked, “Based on your experience with Environmental Services, is ours better, the same, or worse than previous experiences? “
    “The quality of the work is better than the previous consultant.”
    “Certainly better, a well-balanced professional approach”

    Overall Performance
    How did we do?

    Considering your complete experience with our company, how likely would you be to recommend our company to a friend or colleague?

    100% of our clients said they “definitely would”